Quick update while I have access

Wow, I’ve been trying on-and-off to access my account for 3 years now and don’t know how long this will last. It’s ok though because nothing much has changed recently, right? /s

I’m not sure what to do with this blog anyway tbh. I was writing for the wrong reasons in the end and became demotivated.

And in a way I’m glad I did because a lot of what I was writing about was total bollocks. My head got too big and I was warped by the mass ‘anti-sjw’ commentators who’ve dominated YouTube for a long, long time.

For a guy who bangs on about science I failed to grasp the difference between gender and sex, but in fairness so do a lot of the angry old science commentators who funnily enough are locked onto their own conclusions, unwilling or unable to test their assumptions.

I lack the mental energy to write a proper post, and I don’t know what to do about the entries I now strongly disagree with. Should I delete them? I don’t know. They do show how easy it is to get carried away by ego.

-Trans Rights are human rights.

-White privilege is real, and therefore Islamaphobia is also real.

-If they’re rich and have a platform of thousands of listeners, they have not been ‘cancelled’, although it would be nice if the Dave Chappelles of the world would stfu about issues they know nothing about.

-As for Covid and anti-vaxxers… I don’t know anymore, my mind is fried.

If I rediscover my mind I might return, but that’s a big if right now. Take care.

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